Oxytocin Friendly Lifestyle
Oxytocin is a neuropeptide that is involved with positive and negative social/emotional memory. When associated with positive emotions, it lowers blood pressure, increases our ability to deal with stress and anxiety, promotes growth and healing, calms our moods, helps with pain management, and increases feelings of security and trust. When associated with negative emotions it intensifies the pain of being bullied.
In the past, it was thought that low levels of the oxytocin was linked to autism. That has been disproven. But there is a relationship between blood levels of oxytocin and social functioning. Oxytocin levels increase during social bonding. Oxytocin levels increase in children and parents during loving parent-child interactions, especially when they touch. Children’s levels of oxytocin track their parents. This is unaffected by autism or ADHD.
Eating stimulates oxytocin, but no specific diet increases oxytocin, except for Vitamin C, which is needed for oxytocin activation.
These activities are very good at increasing oxytocin in both parent and child:
- Eating together.
- Applying lotion or oil on your baby.
- Wearing your baby (carrying in a sling).
- Face to face play.
- Cuddling.
- Holding your child.
- Reading with your child in your lap.
- Rocking together in a rocking chair.
- Swinging together in a swing.
- Play wrestling with kids.
- Gently brushing your child's hair.
- Back rubs and massage (giving and getting).
- Hugs (giving and getting).
- Kisses (giving and getting).
- Holding hands.
- Petting animals.
- Listening together to emotionally stirring music.
- Doing yoga together.
- Patting your teen on the back.
We encourage you to do it often. An oxytocin friendly lifestyle is especially important for learning and behavior in children labeled ADHD and ASD.